A solo exhibition presented by Cool Change and PS Art Space. 
Catalogue essay by Rebecca McCauley.
Catalogue design by Oli Rawlings.
Featuring performers Lara Dorling, Victoire Hemedi, Sam Nerida and Ella-Rose Trew.
Actional Attempt is a single-channel video that explores concepts of interdependence across borders/bodies/biomes. The video features Rowe-Fox’s interlocking concrete sculptures as a theoretical and tangible framework to explore fragile borders. Filmed at multiple sites across Boorloo where human and non-human entities intersect in ways that reflect conflicts of power and culture, Makaela Rowe-Fox explores visual entanglement and potential for action. Actional Attempt considers, symbolically represents, and captures attempts at resistance, struggle, and subversion.

Installation photography by Aaron Claringbold

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